
Not the shift from side body alignment to front body alignment to throw the shot.

Try lifting foot up tight into chamber stretching the leg and firing out the kick before you have fully lifted the knee.

1:48 uses swing of centre of gravity to accelerate him forward. Also he is dropping his weight to trap hip and so build up energy against the hip (how he drops the weight matters). This energy is released when he lifts his foot up (trigger step). This is similar to how tyson triggers the build up of energy be going from his heel to forefoot.

Nicolino Locche engages the core and pulls the spine to the limb (which is unusual we normally pull the limb to the spine). This allows multiple slips on the same line which is impossible when the slip is created from rotation.

Look how he commits the shoulder to going to the ground.

Also think steve morris tip of taking hips back as you drop. Try putting head on wall and then touching the floor so you get low enough.