Moves 12 – 15 (Shuto Uke)
[ppmaccordion id=”5″ color=”#DC017A”][ppmtoggle title=”Arm Stop”]Create a physical barrier between you and your opponent. [/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Bicep Stop”]Use the extended arm on the shuto to stop the bicep on a swinging punch.
You can also do this on the shoulder. You are less likely to miss but the arm can still sometimes come through and hit you all be it with less power. It is the extended arm that delivers the block not the shuto strike. The strike is two movements one to prepare the other to strike. If the attack is a sinlge movement you can not use it to block as you will not get there in time as you will get it hit on the first beat before you attempt to block on the second. (See Jeff Krav training for this move)[/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Gedan Bari and Shuto ideas for ist kata and bassai dai (two videos)”] [/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Iain Abernethy – Escape From Hand Grab (private)”]Use the shutos as a introduction to hand drills. The extended arm either blocks for a circular attack. or for straight strike the hand coming accross parries. Then the extended arm grabs the arm. This is a shortened much tighter movement than it is shown in the kata. [/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Shuto Front Hand Used as a Strike, Kanku Dai & bassai Dai”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Charlie Wildish Bassai Dai Shutos Private”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Split Entry Idea – The Clear Arms & Strike”][/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Shuto Flow Drill”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Your Title Yere”]Your Content Here[/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Leee Morrison – Use the shuto to move off line.”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Various Entries From Personal Training”]Shoulder stop bicep stop.
Entry – split, straight outside and inside – see training with Jeff
Iain Abernethy, Go on outside pin arm with straight arm and then strike. If they block your strike go to the other side (transition) , pin and then strike.
You can go into the krav maga clinch from a swinging punch. If it is a straight punch just parry from the opposite side and into the same movement.
Moves 16 – 18 (Figure 4)
[ppmaccordion id=”6″ color=”#DC017A”][ppmtoggle title=”Centre Lock – Alternative Hand Positions + Drill”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Joint Lock Bassai and Kanku Sho – Vince Morris”][/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Move Attack Out The Way and Kick Out Leg”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Bassai Dai Moves 16-18 Side Kick To Knee – Download Karate (private)”][/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Shkuto Geri”]
[/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Charlie Wildish Bassai Dai Joint Lock & Kick Private”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Charlie Wildish Bassai Dai Joint Lock Section Used As Tiger Claw Private”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Figure 4 On Outside – Think slide back on arm from frame.”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Side Kick As A TakeDown”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Jar Arm inwards inorder to get them to straighten it.”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Lock and Kick”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Grovit”][/ppmtoggle][/ppmaccordion]