Moves 19 – 22 (Double Block Above Head)
Rising Double Block Into Strike To Chest Body Lock Takedown – multiple videos This can also be entered by pushing the arms up under the elbows Like the foot work in this version This variation can be used with a rotation afterwards. This can explain the turn and grab in the kata. Body Lock Into Turning Takedown Bassai Dai Rear Choe Escape – 1.50 in video Moves 19 -22 Bassai Dai Moves 19-22 Double Lapel Grab Evation Download Karate (private) Charlie Wildish Bassai Dai Double Block Private Front Body Lock Lerdsila – performs move . Note Mauy Thai does not allow attacks to the lower back so this is done higher than karate version. Judo Throw Grab Legs & Takedown Head Lock Escape – Chris Crossan Moves 23 – 25 (Push & Pull Up)[ppmaccordion id=”8″ color=”#DC017A”][ppmtoggle title=”Underhook Catch Sweep / Roundhouse Sweep – 2 videos”]
This version gives a clearer view of how the hands can be used to lift leg up and push body down. See 0.28 on video [/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Single Leg”][/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Cross Buttoxs Throw”]Iain Abernethy describes this as possibly a cross buttoxs throw in his book bunkai jujitsu[/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Chris Denwood – Throw”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Turn Opponent Into Rear Choke”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Finger Tip Thrust into Leg Takedown”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Catch the leg – fight tips”]Think of the shortened version of the push pull movement as being due to follow through. [/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Leg sweep on lifted leg”][/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Kuchiki-taosh (leg grabbed)”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Kibisu Gaeshi (grab to the ankle)”][/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Ankle Picks”]Need to add videos – also see follow up movments as double leg take down and response to someone not going down. [/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Charlie Wildish Bassai Dai Low Grab To Arms High Private”][/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Catch Foot and Sweep Leg”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Takedown”][/ppmtoggle][/ppmaccordion]
Moves 26 – 27 (Extend Arm – Cresent Kick Hand then Elbow)
[ppmaccordion id=”9″ color=”#DC017A”][ppmtoggle title=”Start in grapple – Kick Hip out – Slideby – Break arms against each other”]Start in a grapple facing each other. Kick out opponents hip/ leg with the cresent kick. Keep a hold of the bicep but put you eblow underneath and go for a slideby, except step over. The three gedan baris then become the joint lock ask you trap the arms and break them against each other.[/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Bassai Dai Moves 26-27 Respond to hand grab kick knee and elbow Download Karate (private)”][/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Charlie Wildish Bassai Dai Cresent Kick & Elbow Private”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Collar Tie = Rip Body Back – Kick legs and elbow”]From a collar tie your hand is on the back of your opponents neck ass well. You extend your arm out and rip your body to the side and shrugg your shoulder. This should hopefully release their grip on your neck. Then you kick their legs out going into the chock (3 gedan bari). If the kick does not work you elbow them in the face and go to the choke. e[/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Slide By – From collar tie use elbow to break grip of opponent.”] If this fails then we could look at the three gedan bari as some form of clinch work.
W can also look at wrapping the opposite leg (cresent kick) and then doing a slide by as a takedown.
[/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Using Elbow as a shrug”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Overtie – to foot sweep (cresent kick)”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Your Title Yere”]Your Content Here[/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Your Title Yere”]Your Content Here[/ppmtoggle][/ppmaccordion]
Move 28 (3 Downward Blocks)
[ppmaccordion id=”10″ color=”#DC017A”][ppmtoggle title=”Used As A Joint Lock – (not sure about this)”][/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”3 Downward Blocks Bassai Dai Keep your thumbs out!”][/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Bassai Dai Moves 28-29 Rlease hand grab and counter Download Karate (private)”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Charlie Wildish Bassai Dai 3 Downward Gedan Bari Private”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Interesting idea for three gedan bari – needs some thought – hand position at start of use.”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Choke”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”lock arsm together”]lock the two arms against each other. If you start in a grapple with hands on your opponents biceps (or one head and bicep) the opponent trying to push you (extending their arms). Push out (think arm extention – this straightens opponents arm), kick their leg or hip out to destablise them, then keeping your hand on the bicep let your elbow come under their arm (a bit like a slide by) and use your elbow to redirect the arm over the top as you step over. As you do this your other and slides down your partners arm and extends it back to your hip. Gedan bari 1 – pull up and hug both arms, Gedan bari 2 pull one arm accross keeping it tight, Gedan bari 3 snaps the back of the arms agains each other. This version is esentially an elaborate arm lock / break. I will probably have to shoot a video to fully explain it as explaining it text is much harder.The key though is to think of the elbow movement as a a redirect of the other persons arm and this sets you up in position to use the gedan bari as a lock. [/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Re-enforced lower blocks 3 videos]
[/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”title”]video[/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Eric Paulson – best explaination for this – knee tap – step back countered by second lift.”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Underhook and knee pick”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Takedown”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Your Title Yere”]Your Content Here[/ppmtoggle][/ppmaccordion]
Moves 29 – 32 (Double Punches)
Yama Zuki – Double Leg Takedown Knee Tap From Underhook [/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Catch leg and come in with a punch. See 0.55 on video”]] For the version with the crescent you could be either trapping or kicking out the one leg the person is standing on once you have grabbed the other leg. [/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Dump – Thai Clinch”][/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Response To Clinch & Knees – Capture Leg Into Sweep Take Down”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Overhand right into double leg takeown”][/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Strikes To Body And Into a Throw”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Knee Pick”][/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Passai Double Punch – Front Headlock Escape – Ante Brannenbacker”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Double Punch Bassai Dai as an Arm Bar”][/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”4 Headlock Escapes Bassai Dai, Sepai”][/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Catch leg and take down”]

Moves 33 – 34
[ppmaccordion id=”12″ color=”#DC017A”][ppmtoggle title=”Tai Otoshi”][/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Bassai Dai Moves 33 34 Catch kick and throw away Download Karate (private)”][/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Tani Otoshi”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Charlie Wildish Bassai Dai Gedan Uke, Uchi Uke Private”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Knee Catch”]When the knee comes into your body move it to the side and sweep under it to take the ankle lift up and drop the leg back in the opposite direction. This is same side knee and arm. Can be done from clinch. Remember you did this to Josh Shaww[/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Andi Kidd – Throw”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Throw Entry”]Use the gedan bari to hyper extend opponents arm during hand fighting then the uchi uke sweeps up to catch the arm and give a throw entry. As shown by George at SBG.[/ppmtoggle][/ppmaccordion]
Moves 35 – 38 (Sequence of Shuto Uke on angles)
[ppmaccordion id=”3″ color=”#DC017A”][ppmtoggle title=”As A Block Then A Hold”][/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Iain Abernethy – 3 Shutos As A Take Down”][/ppmtoggle] [ppmtoggle title=”Bassai Dai Moves 35-36 Sweep Inside Right Leg Download Karate (Private)”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Charlie Wildish Bassai Dai End Shuto Sequence Private”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Iain Abernethy – takedown with shutos – also shows prior move as a throw.”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”3 Shutos at end – take down”][/ppmtoggle][ppmtoggle title=”Your Title Yere”]Your Content Here[/ppmtoggle][/ppmaccordion]